Reception Immediately Following...

When you book a hall for your reception, you sign a contract for a specific time.

Cocktail Hour 6-7pm. Reception 7-11pm.

Yet many invitations simply state "Reception Immediately Following".

So----let's just say your service was at 3pm. After allowing time for the service and the receiving line, your guests could be on the way to the reception by 4:30. By 5pm they have arrived and are ready to hit the food and the bar. They are greeted by a staff member who tells them the room will not be ready for an hour. Your guests cannot understand why. The invitation said "Reception Immediately Following" and they expected to eat NOW!!! They are not happy.

On the other hand, your service might have been scheduled for 4:30. It is now 6:00 and the guests are still milling around outside the church chatting. It is 6:30 before they head off to the reception. They find their place cards and head to get something from the cocktail hour. And the staff is busy clearing away the food. Cocktail hour is over!?! But the invitation said "Reception Immediately Following!"!!! And they expect to eat NOW!!! They are not happy.

If your cocktail hour is from 6-7, say so on the invitation. If your reception is from 7-11, say so on the invitation. Many guests need to hire babysitters while they attend your wedding. It is really helpful if they know how long they expect to be out.

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