The Receiving Line

After the ceremony, most brides and grooms have a receiving line. You as a couple stand together with your parents in a line. The bridal party often lines up as well opposite the couple and their parents. As the guests exit the ceremony location, they extend their wishes to the new couple and their families and often engage in conversation.

If you have 120 guests to meet and greet, and spend just 30 seconds with each, the receiving line alone will take ONE HOUR!!! 240 guests coming? The receiving line could take TWO HOURS!!! And in making all the plans, somehow allowing time for the receiving line gets lost in the shuffle. Forgetting to budget for this time is the number one reason couples never see their cocktail hour or have a minute to relax before the reception begins.

Tip #1: Budget enough time to allow for 15-30 seconds per guest for the receiving line. If the receiving line moves quickly, you will be grateful for the extra time you now have.

Tip #2: Let everyone in the receiving line know to keep it moving. "kiss" "kiss" "kiss" ....There is plenty of time to catch up on the 20 years since you have seen cousin Billy with him at the reception.

Tip #3: If your ceremony and reception is all in one location, strongly consider skipping the receiving line all together. Typically a half hour is allocated for the ceremony followed by a one hour cocktail hour. If your receiving line takes an hour, the poor guests at the end of the line never see the food.

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